Thursday, March 5, 2020

Hi blog! Unfortunately, my group and I were not able to meet up yesterday to work on the project because of personal issues, so we are a little bit off schedule. Good news though, we most likely are going to meet up this Sunday when everyone in our group can meet up. One thing that we really need to work on and establish is a schedule for the people who we want to act in the film opening. A lot of people are going away for spring break, so this week we need to establish a schedule with all of the actors to have a for sure idea of when we can begin filming. Here's a revised list of what we for sure will need to accomplish this Sunday during our group meeting:

- Finish screenplay
- Revise and create a schedule for actors
- Gather film equipment
- Create ad for beginning scene when Aria is on her phone

We have already started working on the screenplay, and we have also figured out who is going to act in the film opening. The only thing that has really gotten in our way with meeting up is the fact that this time of the year is usually the busiest. Between the SAT, spring break, and preparing for AP exams, this time of the year is hectic for everyone and is really getting in the way.

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